Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kate is not Waterproof

So way back when I was working on Idol of Nud Thelo, I had a snowglobe.  "Had" being the operative word here.  I also have a cat.  And gravity was working that day.  All three combined into a snowglobe falling onto a surge protecter, my scanner, and the drawing of the first page of Nud Thelo that was on the scanner.

Luckily, there was no great damage.  The snowglobe went to snowglobe heaven after dying a Disney villian's death, the surge protecter went to silicon heaven as a safety precaution, and the page had already been scanned so it didn't matter that it bled.  And bled and bled and bled.

So here's what the page looked like post-snowglobe incident.  I don't know why it's pink.  I used Microns and Prismas, both of which claim to be waterproof.  The snowglobe 'water' smelled awful, and it kind of makes me wonder what was in it that made the waterproof art supplies bleed.

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